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Barbara may foundation, Kilimanjaro challenge 2017
Hi there!
My dad and I are in a team this year aiming to make a difference and walking for a cause that's close to my heart. I would love for you to donate and it would be greatly appreciated so please support my efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice, that being the barbara may foundation. The Barbara May foundation act to support and reduce the number of incidents of women and babies who die and or areinjured in sub sahara Africa (Ethipoia and Tanzania).
Thanks so much for your support!
Barbara May Foundation
The Barbara May Foundation provides sustainable maternal health care in developing countries. Every year over half a million women die from childbirth in developing countries which is about 1,000 women for every 100,000 births. For every death, another 30 women, which is estimated to be 2 million women, will suffer an obstetric fistula injury. The Foundation supports the work of medical missionaries Dr Andrew Browning and Valerie Browning AM in Africa who are developing a simple and sustainable network of maternal health care to decrease the high incidence of women and babies who die or are injured during childbirth.
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